I am going to be starting my Arts and Design Foundation Course this week....yay!
The enrolement pack turned up only a few weeks ago, it included details of a homework Summer project, that had to be completed by the start date.....no pressure....
We had to make a concertina altered journal , with enough pages in it, that it would be taller than myself when unravelled. It is meant to contain drawings and paintings to serve as a sort of daily visual record of your Summer. I only just managed to complete it this week, the complete set of art-ified pages can be found here at my Flickr account
I particularly love the cover I did for the book. The base is constructed from mountboard, upon which I have fused polymer clay sculpted elements of a seashore landscape. The rest is textured tissue paper and gauze, painted in acrylic paints to complete the look. I have added some images of it below
Anyway, I am thinking of creating some altered books/journal covers for my second Etsy shop, which is on my to do list. The idea is that I take some time to settle into the course, then resume jewellery work, as well as set up the other shop. No rest for the wicked eh?...

Samantha Braund