Lakshmi Goddess II

White Pearl Coral Drop necklace
I've spent most of January trying to get my head around events I need to prepare for, while wanting to leave room for creative thinking
I know it sounds like a pretentious term, but I have come to realise how I tick as an artist over time. It is neccessary to do commissions which invariably involves revisiting "old" work. This can feel like a stranglehold when all I want to do is work on the latest ideas trying to burst out
It can become pretty frustrating at times lol, so I'm trying to lighten up about it, get better organised and look at it in a different way.The necklace at the top of the post is a commission piece, a reproduced similar version of my Lakshmi necklace from the Goddess collection, here's a link to the original one
I really moaned and dragged my heels over making it, but knew that if I wanted my precious free time then the sooner I got on with it the better. To my surprise I loved the process and using techniques I'd left behind (for no good reason really) - it was strangely reinvigorating, and I love the final result too. I'll post up more views of the piece at the end of this blog entry
I've also been busy making using up my Mokume Gane Polymer sheets for pendants. I didn't realise how many had built up lol. They have such vibrant colours and patterns turning into a funky little collection. I've posted a few of them in the slideshow below... Im thinking of doing another Etsy shop just for these sorts of pieces,I have so many sitting around the studio - it makes sense to try to sell some lol